Haven Medical Center

Haven Medical Center opened up a little over a year ago and is run by Trauma Dr. Callum Hunt, and Trauma Surgeon Dr. Blake Carson. Currently Haven is a small clinic located in downtown Xander's Cross where patients will be seen for whatever ails them. For the more mythical patients, Dr. Hunt is more than prepared for the more...tricky...injuries, and Dr. Carson is well suited for the more human patients. Patients can find themselves in a small waiting area with a receptionist there to greet them. They're welcome to the cookie jar kept on the desk that has a different type of cookie each week. They'll then be placed into one of the four exam rooms where one of the resident Doc's will see to them. In the back of the clinic is the staff room, a small room with a set of bunkbeds in case either Doc needs to stay overnight, a small operating room, as well as two rooms meant to keep patients in critical condition that need to stay the night or stay a few days. There is an elevator also in the back of the clinic not reachable to the public that leads down into the basement where the morgue is, the x-ray room, and their lab.
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